Myanmar democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi released

AP – Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi waves to her supporters from her house compound after …

YANGON, Myanmar – Pro-democracy hero Aung San Suu Kyi walked free after more than seven years under house arrest, welcomed by thousands of cheering supporters outside the decaying lakefront villa that has been her prison.

Her guards effectively announced the end of her detention Saturday, pulling back the barbed-wire barriers that sealed off her potholed street and suddenly allowing thousands of expectant supporters to surge toward the house. Many chanted her name as they ran. Some wept.

The wining candidates list in Chin state and Kalemyo in 2010 Elections

The wining candidates list of Chin state and Kalemyo, Sagaing Division.

People’s Parliaments

Slno. Name of Parliament Constituency Party (or) Independent

1 Pu Khuang Ling Falam Chin Progressive Party (CPP)

2 Pu Ngun Maung Hakha Chin National Party (CNP)

3 Pi Za Ttial Thantlang Chin National Party (CNP)

4 Pu Pum Khan En Tedim (USDP)

6 Pu Hau Khan Mang Tawnzang (USDP)

7 Pu Thang Ling Mindat (USDP)

8 Dr. Ro Uk Matupi (USDP)