Tualsuak mite’ Hamphatna Tungah Leitungbup Minam Kipawlna Thupuan:
(United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples)
(United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples)
(Unofficial Translation- Kilawm kituak a kilet hi) (Unofficial Translation- Kilawm kituak a kilet hi) UNITED STATES I GAMBEL MI SANNA...
1) Laisim mite thu theihna ding; (To inform all readers-စာဖတ္သူမ်ားအသိပညာရရွိေစရန္။)
2) Lai gelhmi leh kipatcilna min pia ding; (To give full credit to every author or sources ;စာေရးသူ၊ (သုိ) Sources ကုိ Credit ေပးရန္။
3) Laite etkikna omlo in,kikhah dinghi. (To publish every writing without censorship. စာေရးသူ၏ အာေဘာ္အတုိင္း ထုတ္ေပးရန္။)